Richard D. Hall
Richard D. Hall
Richard D. Hall
Richard D. Hall is a conspiracy theorist who, among other topics, claims to uncover the lies, cover ups and deception perpetrated by news corporations - such as the BBC - by looking at and revealing what Richard claims to be the real evidence behind events such as the Madelene McCann disappearance, the 7/7 bombings, the Manchester bombing and the murder of Jo Cox to name just a few. BBC panorama aired a piece on him in October 2022 reporting the fact that he stalked and harassed victims of terrorist attacks. Coincidentally his market stall which he held once a month to sell his books and DVDs was closed by the council after complaints about his claims. It has been reported that Richard profits from slandering the survivors and victims of serious traumatic events, making fantastical and baseless claims about the validity of their injuries, psychological trauma and deaths.