Perry Strong
Perry Strong
Perry Strong
Perry Strong has started 2023 off with a bang acting in 4 episodes for the upcoming Hbomax show The Girls On The Bus, then booking a comedy scene in the new Matt Damon & Casey Affleck movie The Instigators directed by Doug Liman, after reappearing in two more episodes of Wu-Tang: The American Saga (Hulu) in its last season. This is all just carry over from a great 2022 where in one month Perry acted in the number one horror movie Smile (Paramount), the number network show Law & Order (Nbc), and the number one streaming show on Netflix, Manifest in November. Since starting acting in 2017, Perry has booked many speaking roles on television. You may have seen Perry as a co-star as Ghost's attorney on the hit show Power (Starz), Hightown (Starz), Hunters (Amazon Prime), Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix), Law and Order: SVU (NBC), a lead role in Evil Touch (CW Seed), "In Godfrey We Trust: A Year In Review" (The Peacock), Dr. Death (Nbc/The Peacock). Also a Comedian, Strong was featured as a prankster on the MTV show Ladylike. He was additionally featured giving commentary on VH1's 100 Greatest Women In Music, as well as the network's 100 Sexiest Music Artists. Perry is also a Director, Writer, and Comedian. During the pandemic, Perry released a short film "180 Seconds" that went viral, it got 300,000 views on Leslie Jones' (SNL) social media accounts, Kevin Hart's LOL Network and Codeblack Films shared it on their social media, many comedy podcasts and websites said it was quite possibly the funniest short film of 2020 and the whole pandemic. Make sure to check out "180 Seconds" and other videos on Perry's Youtube channel. Currently, Perry and his childhood friend John L. Miller are nearing the finish line on the writing of a feature-length script called "Carnival Of Fury"