Isaiah Fredericks
Isaiah Fredericks
Isaiah "Zay Zay" Fredericks, who was born in Tacoma, Washington and now
lives in Los Angeles, California, became a YouTube sensation in just a
matter of months, after begging his father, comedian Kevin Fredericks,
to make him a video, declaring, "I want to be a comedian, just like
you!" After a few days of his son's persistence, Kevin decided to
record Zay Zay's first video, "Growing Up Black" and the rest, as they
say, is history! A star was born! Since then, Zay Zay has done several
videos, all reaching thousands of viewers and constantly growing and
grabbing nationwide attention from blogs to websites, to radio and TV.
He has become the latest star of the popular new YouTube channel,
Awesomeness TV, with his show, "Crazy I Say" and most recently landed
the role of Buckwheat in the new adaptation of The Little Rascals.