Ted Rogers

Ted Rogers
Comedian and entertainer Ted Rogers found his biggest TV fame on
3-2-1 (1978), a quiz show made by Yorkshire Television from 1978 - 1987, in
which contestants had to solve a series of cryptic clues to land
rewards such as dream holidays - and avoid the booby prize Dusty Bin.
Instead of a catchphrase, Rogers developed a unique hand gesture in
which he counted down the figures 3, 2, 1 as he said the show's name.
Rogers was a regular on the UK's northern comedy club circuit as well
as a tireless charity worker. He also shared a stage with many of the
stage and screen greats, such as Frank Sinatra; Bing Crosby; Bob Hope and Shirley Bassey
during his lifetime. He was also a friend of Jackie Mason, with whom he
intended to tour in 2001.