Erwin Rommel
Erwin Rommel
Erwin Rommel, aka "The Desert Fox", was one of
Adolf Hitler's most able generals during
WWII. He joined the German army in 1910 and won awards for bravery in
WW I. He was in the 7th Tank Division at the outbreak of WW II and
headed the push to the English Channel. Promoted to the rank of
lieutenant general, Rommel led the German army in Africa (known as The
Afrika Korps) in its mostly successful North African campaign. He drove
the British in Libya back to to El Alamein. This led to his promotion
to the rank of Field Marshal. Eventually outmaneuvered by British Gen.
Bernard L. Montgomery, he returned
to Germany, where he was given charge of the defense of northern
France. Implicated in the July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler, he
chose suicide rather than execution.