Kelly Bacon
Kelly Bacon
Kelly Bacon is an Enneagram Personality Type Four, The Nonconformist. Kelly Bacon is a personality-typing expert and an original philosopher. She values depth and originality. The words that are most often used when "typing" her are: romantic, artistic, creative, soulful, spiritual, thought-provoking, philosophical, and avant-garde. Her first university degree is in English: Creative Writing, with a concentration in Poetry and a minor in Journalism. Her post-baccalaureate second major is in Philosophy, with a concentration in Ethics (4.0 GPA on a USA 4.0 GPA scale). She grew up in Metro Detroit, Michigan and now lives in California. Kelly is a teetotaler who has been teetotal for her entire life (she is a lifelong non-drinker). She treasures her precious-souled mother.