Martin Cantu

Martin Cantu
Martin Cantu Sr. is the former lead singer of the legendary Latin Rock
band Malo of "Suavecito" fame. Martin recorded, composed and toured
with Malo between 1993-1997. He sang on two of Malo's last CD's titled
"Senorita" and "Malo Rocks The Rockies". In 1997, Martin came to a
crossroad where he made a life changing decision to clean up his life
and enter into the Christian/Gospel music industry. To date, Martin
heads the international Gospel recording band L-Rey pronounced "El Rey"
This 2013 Martin appears in Woody Allen's film Blue Jasmine. In 2012
Martin and his son Martin Cantu Junior have their original music being
featured in the new upcoming Independent film "Sin Padre" directed by
Jay Lopez. In 2009, Martin appeared in the mega blockbuster motion
picture "La Mission" starring Benjamin Bratt where he played the role
of a grocery store owner. In 1998 Martin scored three songs in the
motion picture Follow Me Home directed by Peter Bratt and featuring
actress Alfrie Woodard.