Nita-Josée Hanna

Nita-Josée Hanna
Nita-Josee Hanna has been singing, dancing and acting since the age of 3. She has always had a passion for performing since she started. In 2018, she entered the Canadian Model and Talent Convention in Toronto and won best monologue, best commercial, best kid's casting, best dancer , 1st place in singing and child actor of the year. After this convention, she realized that not only did she love performing but she had a special talent. She has recorded a CD in New York in 2018 with the Broadway Star project, has done a Broadway musical with the Broadway Star project and has recently filmed her first feature in which she played the lead in Toronto.
She is a very fast learner and can memorize lines very quickly. Even though she is small in size for a 12 year old, she is extremely mature and is able to take on roles that are more mature.