Dominika Paleta
Dominika Paleta
Dominika Paleta was born on October 23, 1972 in Krakow, Poland.
Dominika was named after the daughter of one of her father's friends
from Poland. The name is common in Poland, and comes from Latin's
"Dominica", which means "God's own". She moved to Mexico at a young
age, along with her sister Ludwika, because they offered her father,
who is a musician, a job. She speaks 3 languages: Spanish, English, and
Polish. In 1998, she won an Eres Award for Best New Female Artist, for
her as "Gema" in "La Usurpadora". She also has an Art History
bachelor's degree from "Universidad Iberoamericana" in Mexico. If she
were not an actress, she would have liked to have been a writer or a
private investigator. She enjoys watching Friends, Seinfeld, and the
Discovery Channel. Her favorite cities in the world are: New York,
Krakow, and Paris. She loves to travel in her free time, and would love
to be a millionaire so she can travel to anywhere she wants all the
time, without having to worry about money. She met her husband in
Coyoacan, Mexico in the "Plaza de la Conchita", and at first disliked
him very much. She married him in 2000 and had a daughter,