Daniel Parent
Daniel Parent
Daniel Parent
A multi-talented actor, he has been appreciated over the years both on stage and on television. On stage, he has been part of more than twenty productions, including Edmond and Cyrano de Bergerac (Serge Denoncourt), La bonne âme du Se-Tchouan (Lorraine Pintal), Les enfants d'Adam (Luce Pelletier), L'Orangeraie and The Dragonfly of Chicoutimi (Claude Poissant), Le Dernier feu (Denis Marleau) and Rêves (Wajdi Mouawad). On the small screen, he made a name for himself in Annie et ses hommes, Nos étés, La Galère and Apparences, a role for which he was nominated at the Gémeaux in 2012. He has also played the roles of David Simard in the series Ruptures, Laurent Saint-Pierre in the series Cheval Serpent and most recently, Patrick Landry in L'Échappée (Gémeaux 2016 for male performance in a supporting role) and André in Le Chalet. On the big screen, audiences have seen him in recent years in Trip à 3 (director Nicolas Monette), Le cas Sneijder (director Thomas Vincent) and Le Journal d'un vieil homme (director Bernard Émond). He is also part of the cast of Le guide de la famille parfaite (directed by Ricardo Trogi). A multidisciplinary artist, Daniel has demonstrated his dancing talents in the creations of choreographers Frédérick Gravel, Catherine Tardif and Harold Rhéaume. He also teaches at Collège Lionel-Groulx and has been coaching actors for over 15 years.