Uzay Gökhan Irmak

Uzay Gökhan Irmak
He was born in Istanbul, in 1992. He studied at Fatih-Gelenbevi Anatolian High School. His first license in Cinema Television Departmant; The second license was awarded with 50% scholarship at Beykent University Fine Arts Faculty Acting Department. He took his first theater education from Ayla Algan. Then, he continued her acting education at Sadri Alisik Cultural Center. He took part in some workhsops from Jean-Jacques Lemetre, and Kathryn Hunter. In 2012, Engin Alkan's '' Cherry Orchard '' game was assisted in the play in City Theaters. At the 2014 Inter-University Theater Festival, he was nominated for the Best Supporting Actor award with the character "Yannis" in the "Neighborhood of Angels" game. He played a part in the play "Life Between My Hands" at Istanbul State Theater. He worked with Catalan Dance Group 'La Fura Dels Baus' as an actor and dancer in 2012. He provides training Creative Drama in Adult Education Centre, Beyoglu. He is also playing now in Istanbul State Theaters, as Orestes in Electra. He won the Best Actor Award in 39. Villeurbanne Short Film Festival with
Akif'. Now he plays in a theater in Berlin.