Khayria Ahmed

Khayria Ahmed
She joined the free theater troupe and participated in plays "Mraty bent gen" and "Abdel Salam Affendi" , "The Magnet", and "People Who Under", and in the fifties made the program "Hour for your heart" to Radio Cairo, and then joined the troupe of "Ismail Yassin", joined the comedy theater in the sixties and represented Plays "El abit", "My Sister Samiha", "No.2 Win".She worked in bands of "El Rehany" and "Amen El Henedy" and presented plays in front of "Mohamed Awad" as El Tartor, Words of Men, weakness Point.On TV worked in serials as "Daydreams", and "The Wayfarer","The Family", "Good Morning My Dear Neighbor", and "Saken Osady" and "Where Is My Heart", it was able to draw the attention from phase to another.