Shawn McClellan
Shawn McClellan
Shawn McClellan
Shawn McClellan is the master of voice overs and improvising. He is often mistaken for Kevin James, and is looking forward to playing his brother in the reboot of "King of Queens " when/if it happens! He was born in Colorado Springs before moving to New York, Connecticut, Arizona, California, Virginia and back to Connecticut. Shawn has had a flare for comedy since he was a toddler....always focusing on being the center of attention in any room he waddled into.....he cites his mentors as Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield, (Caddyshack anyone!) Chris Farley and Andrew Dice Clay. Shawn enjoys every aspect of movie making and being on the set. Funny and extremely professional....he is also a horror movie aficionado who dreams of playing a killer in a series similar to "Friday the 13th" or "Halloween". Shawn is also looking forward to playing a tough guy in the Irish mafia and also portraying a poker playing fool in "Rounders 2". Lets make sure Shawn is given a part in your next movie/TV show!