Kamela Portuges
Kamela Portuges
Kamela Portuges
Kamela Portuges is a co-founder of Images In Motion Inc., www.imagesmedia.com, a company that specializes in puppetry for TV and film. She is best known for her ability "create life" in objects of art.

Kamela is a true Renaissance woman, playing across numerous art mediums; sculpture, to video, to puppetry, to writing, to painting, to metalwork and more. Kamela's artistry extends to 3D printing, where she designs and models in Maya and 3D prints using the Zprinter series (gypsum based, full color, high resolution). She is a gifted sculptor, specializing in the human face. Her work can be seen on the marionettes for the cult classic John Malkovich Olmak (1999)_ and other film and TV projects.

Kamela completed her MA at 20, and received her third regional Emmy (writer, puppeteer, production designer) just after she turned 30. Her work has been a key part of videos that have earned awards from the National Ad Council, the Telly Awards, KidsFirst, DOVE, a UNIMA Citation of Excellence and more.

Her commercial clients for sculpting include Disney, Mattel, Electronic Arts, Cartoon Network, etc.. Animation clients include Livescribe and LeapFrog Toys. 3D printing clients include The Academy of Science (SF), Event Network, PaleoMill, The Black Hills Institute, ILM and other well-known animation studios (confidential).

Kamela has a B.S. in Business and Marketing, and a M.A. in Theater and Marketing.