Tanis Chandler
Tanis Chandler
Tanis Chandler was born in Nantes, France on August 20, 1924. Her real
name (and birth-name) is Tanis Anne Goldthwaite and she is the daughter
of composer/soloist Chandler Goldthwaite. Her early education was at
the Chateau de Bure school in Paris, Saint Joseph's in Arizona and The
Westlake School for Girls in Los Angeles. She was only eleven years old
when she began to model children's clothes for magazine ads and
catalogs in New York City, and thereafter, for the greater part of nine
years she modeled styles of gradually advancing years, with most of the
period devoted to junior miss styles. She also worked on radio from
1937 until she made her uncredited film debut in 1943 in Warner's
"Cinderella Jones",a film that was not released until 1946. Soon
afterward she was engaged to dub one of the voices in the French
language for an American film and did so in over 40 films.