Laura Robinson
Laura Robinson
Laura Robinson
Laura Robinson is a Canadian actress/inventor/producer. She has enjoyed a successful and varied career as an actress with many roles in film and television, both in Los Angeles and Toronto. She was a regular on the long-running CBS show Night Heat (1985), played the title character in Lifetime Television's original detective drama Veronica Clare (1991), and guest-starred on many hit shows like Frasier (1993) and Cheers (1982). She has appeared as a guest on Entertainment Tonight Canada (2005), The Gill Deacon Show (2006) and "Rogers Ottawa Daytime", on CBC TV.

In 2009, Laura was a guest author for the bestselling book Chicken Soup for the Soul: Count Your Blessings, all about the transformational power of gratitude, and co-created an inspiring family board game of the same name. She was featured in the book Women Invent, and has been a keynote speaker at numerous events. Laura also consults and advises inventors on the trademark/copyright process and on creating cohesive brand strategies.

Laura co-invented the classic, best-selling board game 'Balderdash', which has sold over twenty-five million copies worldwide and launched a new game, 'Identity Crisis: The Funniest Game About Famous Names', to great success in 2008. Along with well-known celebrity partners Courtney Cox and David Arquette, Laura recently sold a 1-hour prime-time television game show based on her game "Identity Crises" to a major U.S. network for Summer 2011.

Laura is also a gifted singer-songwriter and is working on creating an original album.

She is a happily married mother of two.