Anita Laurenzi

Anita Laurenzi
Anita Laurenzi, full name Anita Sagnotti Laurenzi (1932 - Rome, 17 October 1998), was an Italian actress.
She began acting in theater at sixteen (since 1948) and in a fifty-year career she worked with Luca Ronconi (in the first performance of "Calderón" of Pier Paolo Pasolini at the Teatro Metastasio in Prato in 1978), Sandro Sequi ("La vita che ti diedi", with Sabina Vannucchi), Massimo Castri ("Le avventure della villeggiatura" and "Il ritorno dalla villeggiatura" of Carlo Goldoni), Gigi Proietti, Franco Brusati (she was among the top performers of "La fastidiosa"), and several others, ranging from brilliant to other dramatic roles. Her last performance on stage was in the role of Carlotta in "Recita dell'attore Attilio Vecchiatto nel teatro di Rio Saliceto" by Gianni Celati, later replaced by Marisa Belli.
On the big screen she acted in a dozen films from 1975 to 1998, among others with Emidio Greek, Marco Bellocchio and Daniele Luchetti (memorable character of Serino Professor in "La scuola"). She worked assiduously for the small screen with several works of prose, drama series and TV movies. Occasionally she is also dedicated to dubbing (she is the voice of Hattie McDaniel in ridoppiaggio of 1977 "Via col vento"). She died at the age of 66 years.