Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf
Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf
Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf
Henry Nasiff, better known as Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf, was a unique man from Massachusetts who was best known for his many appearances on The Howard Stern Radio Show. The diminutive performer got his break back in August 1996, when he and a friend from Boston dinner theater drove to New York City and decided to try to get on the Howard Stern show. Hank got to be interviewed on the show, and Howard liked him right away. Soon after, Hank quickly became one of Howard's favorite guests, and he started appearing on the show whenever he could make it. Hank would always show up to the studio drunk, usually carrying around a green soda bottle full of vodka. It seemed impossible that a man who was only 4-foot-1 and weighed only 95 lbs. could drink so much. One time, while on the show, Hank scored an incredible .375 when he was given a breathalyzer test. Hank appeared on Howard's show more than 2 dozen times, and he was always entertaining. His nickname may have been "Angry," but Hank's greatest strength was his ability to keep everyone smiling. Hank's regular appearances on Howard's show made him a semi-celebrity which lead to him doing many public appearances for his fans. In November 2000, during an appearance in a Los Angeles bar for a J&B Scotch promotion, Hank gave everyone a scare when he went into seizures. He recovered very quickly, but he went back to drinking just a few weeks later. Sadly, on September 4, 2001, Hank passed away at the age of only 39. Even behind his tough-as-nails public persona, his good nature always shone through, and that's why he'll be remembered and missed by so many people. He may have been a little man, but he had a really giant soul. Rest in peace Hank.