Maggie Alexander
Maggie Alexander
Maggie grew up in the mountains outside of Boulder, CO. She has dual citizenship with the US and the UK. She went to UC Santa Barbara, where she received her Acting BFA and minored in Philosophy. (And yes, that is the educational combo one pursues when looking to guarantee their future financial stability.) After arriving in NYC, she studied with renowned teachers like Larry Moss, Terry Schreiber, and John DeSotelle (2yr Meisner Conservatory). When not on set, Maggie loves to be hiking, horseback riding, camping, or trail running, all preferably with her dog, whom she may love an inappropriate amount. Maggie is into the fitness thing. She is a personal trainer, fitness model, has done 3 Tough Mudders, numerous half marathons, a couple triathlons, and is pretty strong. No, not "strong for a girl," just strong.