Luca Elmi

Luca Elmi
Luca was born and lives in Milan
His parents were not in show business and - apart from a very brief stint on stage when he was four - he stayed away from performing for a very long time.
He became a stage actor and producer in his late twenties and chose to translate and adapt several english language plays by Neil Simon, Ira Levin, John Pielmeier and Thornton Wilder among the others.
He started writing, directing, producing and (sometimes) acting in his own short films after leaving stage work. He switched to actual features as and actor and later as a producer. He's CEO of his own production company called ROMAN CITIZEN ENTERTAINMENT. In 2018 Roman Citizen co- produced two features: Succede directed by Francesca Mazzoleni, produced by Indigo and The First King directed by Matteo Rovere, produced by Groenlandia.
Luca speaks fluent Italian (nothing special, there) English and German.
Lives and works in Milan, Italy. Since forever, he's been a cinema scholar and enthusiast. He recently conceived and performed on stage a show called Cinema on Stage where he talks about cinema classics and great filmmakers of the past, like Hitchcock, Kubrick, Wilder and more.
He's not married and doesn't want to be.