Ronit Elkabetz

Ronit Elkabetz
Born in Beershaba in 1964, Ronit was an awkward child who felt she was
different from others, but when she became an actress (more or less by
chance at the age of 26) with a star role in Daniel Wachsmann's
'Hameyu'ad' ['The Appointed (1990)'], this complex became an asset. This beautiful brunette
realized she could relate to the rest of the world by expressing her
inner emotions. Since then she has made few films, but many of major
importance such as Hatuna Meuheret (2001) (by Dover Koshashvili), Alila (2003) (by
Amos Gitai and Or (2004) (by Keren Yedaya), in which she embodies wives,
prostitutes or dope fiends marked by life. She has even co-scripted and
co-directed the excellent 'Ve'lakahta Lekha Isha' ['To Take a Wife (2004)'] with her brother
Schlomi. Both are preparing the second part due to be filmed in 2008,
'Seven Days' [Shiva (2008)]. She was wonderful in the recent Bandonun Ziyareti (2007) ('The
Band's Visit') as a kind-hearted lonely heart refusing to wilt in her
desert town.