Angel Vargas

Angel Vargas
Currently: Angel Vargas, a native New Yorker, realized at a young age that acting was his gift and passion. Throughout elementary school as well as junior and senior high, he participated in all of the school plays to hone his craft. His first professional experience was to become a member of "The World Wheelers", the first professional uni-ball team, and demonstrate his uni-cycling ability on the children's television shows, "To Tell the Truth", "Wonderama", and "Kids are People Too". The professional environment inspired him to pursue theatre. Soon after, Angel appeared in Jim Henson's production "The Muppets". His resulting success in working with Jim Henson and Frank Oz lead to the self originated role of Rocky IV in the Tony Award winning production of "Starlight Express" at the Gershwin theatre. During his six year run on Broadway, Angel had the privilege of working closely with composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, director Trevor Nunn, and also choreographer Arlene Philips, and from these, acquired life long skills that would become of great importance throughout the growth of his acting career. Following "Starlight", these skills began to manifest themselves, and Angel was asked to join the touring company, which awarded him national as well as international acclaim. Now well experienced, Angel's passion for acting grew and his next step was that of film and television. He appeared in the film's, "Quick Change", "See No Evil", and "Street Knight", to name a few. He was also granted the supporting role of "Tito Jackson" in the award winning ABC production "The Jackson's; An American Dream". Following film, Angel stepped into the television scene and co-starred in the award winning, 10th anniversary special of the CBS production "Kids Killing Kids". Other shows included "Baywatch", "Martial Law", "For Your Love", and "The Burning Zone". However it wasn't just the experience gained from his roles in Broadway, film, and television that molded Angel into the well-trained and firmly established talent that he is today. He has also studied closely with Sylvia Leigh Showcase Theatres, and HB Studios for acting. The Broadway Dance Center and Jo Jo's Dance Factory provided him with the needed dance skills. For training in vocals, Angel worked with Phyllis Grandy. And he attended the Los Angeles Film School and Recording Workshop to gain a background in Digital and film editing. All of this is what has created the much needed and diverse background for which Angel takes much pride in having acquired. Currently, Angel resides in Los Angeles and along with acting; he enjoys time spent with his family and friends in New York. Since health and fitness are of importance, Angel participates regularly in Tomiki Aikido classes, Skate quad Instructor/Choreographer. He enjoys rollerskating, and running. Among the sports that he takes pleasure in are uni-cycling, horseback riding, water skiing, racquetball, Stickball, football, baseball, basketball, roller hockey and PlayStation 4 just to name a few.