Katia Dandoulaki
Katia Dandoulaki
Katia Dandoulaki starred in many popular Greek films, like _Papaflessas (1971)_ with
Dimitris Papamixail. But her big popularity came when she portraited
Marmo Panteou, an adulterous young wife, in the classic tv series
Oi Pantheoi (1977), based on a classic novel by Tassos Athanassiadis.
She is the spouse of the Greek intellectual, translator, writer Marios Ploritis, who has translated many of her plays. During the 90s she starred as Virna Drakou in a popular Greek soap opera of Nikos Foskolos Lampsi. She was a personal friend of Elli Lambeti and of the present Prime Minister, K. Simitis. During the 2001-2002 season she played Emma in the classic Pinter play 'Betrayal'. It was a big success, and directed by Stamatis Fasoulis. Her co-stars were S. Zalmas and K. Konstantopoulos.
She also played Maria Kallas in Terence MacNally's Master Class, and Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire. She was one of the basic stars in the TV series, ...Ystera, irthan oi melisses (2000), directed by Koutsomitis. It was one of the few successes that ET1, the state TV channel, had in the last few years.
She is the spouse of the Greek intellectual, translator, writer Marios Ploritis, who has translated many of her plays. During the 90s she starred as Virna Drakou in a popular Greek soap opera of Nikos Foskolos Lampsi. She was a personal friend of Elli Lambeti and of the present Prime Minister, K. Simitis. During the 2001-2002 season she played Emma in the classic Pinter play 'Betrayal'. It was a big success, and directed by Stamatis Fasoulis. Her co-stars were S. Zalmas and K. Konstantopoulos.
She also played Maria Kallas in Terence MacNally's Master Class, and Blanche in A Streetcar Named Desire. She was one of the basic stars in the TV series, ...Ystera, irthan oi melisses (2000), directed by Koutsomitis. It was one of the few successes that ET1, the state TV channel, had in the last few years.