Giorgio Panariello

Giorgio Panariello
Born in Florence but raised in Versilia, comedian, actor and presenter, Giorgio Panariello with his talent, expressivity and mastered ability to transform himself, works in theatre, cinema and television as well as in books, advertising and radio. From his start on private Tuscan television alongside Carlo Conti up until his great success on Torno Sabato, which got him his name as well as awards from Telegatto and Oscar TV as performer of the year, he moved on to fame in 1997 when Maurizio Costanzo debuted him at the Parioli Theatre in Rome with his one-man show Boati di silenzio.
He also has a long curriculum in cinema with films such as Finalmente soli, Bagnomaria, Al momento giusto (also as writer), I Love You in Every Language of the World, Notte prima degli esami - oggi, Sms Sotto Mentite Spoglie, No problem, I mostri oggi, Sharm el Sheik - un estate indimenticabile, Amici miei... come tutto ebbe inizio, Natale in Sud Africa, Un fantastico via vai, ..E fuori nevica, and Uno per tutti (the film where his dramatic performance got him appraisal from both audiences and critics).
But Panariello's first love has always been the theatre where he can really feel in touch with his audience. He's had many theatrical performances throughout his career that received appraisal from both the public and critics alike. Some of these include: Panariello... chi?, Panariello d'estate, and Chissà se sarà uno show. In 2003 he took on the role of Monsieur Jordain in Molière's The Bourgeois Gentleman. In 2004 he performed his One-Man Show in New York and Connecticut for the Italian community while recording the sold-out shows for Italian audiences. Back in Italy he returned to the stage with Giorgio in scena.
In 2006 he brought a breath of fresh air to the Sanremo Music Festival, exalting Italian show business. He was back in theatres with Faccio del mio meglio and once again in 2010 with Panariello non esiste. The proceeds from his 2012 show Se stasera siamo qui went to the those affected by the Lunigiana floods. Then came his famous In mezzo @ voi!
In 2008, two of his cult characters from Tuscan comedy, Naomo and La Signora Italia, star alongside Vanessa Incontrada in an advert for one of the biggest cellular telephone companies, Wind.
Throughout his career, Panariello applied his communicative abilities to books as well: Non ti lascerò mai solo (Mondadori) which sold more than 100,000 copies and a photography book Guardami negli occhi.
In 2012 he had his great comeback to television with Panariello non esiste, a great success on Canale 5. In December 2013 he went back to prime time on Rai1 with Panariello sotto l'albero, a successful variety show where he performed both old and new characters alongside other famous guests.
In September 2016, he debuted with long-time friends Leonardo Pieraccioni and Carlo Conti in the Verona Arena with their show Panariello-Conti-Pieraccioni - il Tour and that led to a successful tour in different sports arenas throughout Italy, ending in September 2017 (which then began again in 2019, once again a great success). In October Panariello debuted his new show Il Panariello che verrà in theatres while in December, he went back to the Modigliani Forum in Livorno with two nights of his show Panariello sotto l'albero.
In September 2018 on Rai1, he joined Carlo Conti's jury on Tale e quale show. In November 2019 he was in the cast of Rai1's Pezzi unici.
In 2020 he celebrated his 60th birthday and 20 years of success of Torno Sabato by announcing a new show, La favola mia, which was delayed by the covid pandemic. It was launched in 2022 and received appraisal from both audiences and critics.
In 2023, he started the tour Panariello vs. Masini - lo strano incontro, along with his friend Marco Masini.