Erik Range
Erik Range
Erik Range
Erik Range first gained fame in the gaming industry as a guide for Bard characters of the online role playing game Meridian 59, where he first appeared under the pseudonym "Gronkh"- an alias he still uses today. Range himself explained the origin of his pseudonym, often jokingly referred to as portmanteau of the name "Gregor Onkh". He has been managing partner and co-founder of Play Massive GmbH (a website about computer games) since 2009 . Since 2010, Range has regularly published Let's-Play videos in which he shows and comments on his progress in various games. He published his first video on April 1, 2010. It was initially dubbed a test recording for the online game Allods Online on his YouTube channel. Since then, he has become one of the most popular German-speaking providers of these formats. In addition, his YouTube channel has gathered over 2.6 million subscribers and over 900 million video views and holds claim as one of the most successful channels on the website. He is one of the first commercial German creators and providers of such videos, and his work is supported by game manufacturers, who hope to create promotions for their products through cooperation. The game developers of Daedalic recently reported an increase in sales of "Edna bricht aus" after Range discussed the game on his channel. Since early 2012, Gronkh has been registered as a trademark to PlayMassive GmbH, the German Patent and Trademark Office.