Milorad Mandic-Manda

Milorad Mandic-Manda
In the age of 21 he become a member of amateur Drama Experimental
Studio in Belgrade. Six years later he graduated in Belgrade Academy of
Film and Theater in class of professor Vladimir Jevtovic. After
graduation he become a member of Belgrade children theater "Bosko
Buha", where he worked occasionally. In 1989 he made more then 260
episodes of "Bajka za laku noc" fairytales for goodnight on national
television. From 1989 to 1995 he had a children's weekly show "S' one
strane duge" (Over the rainbow), on national television, which has made
him one of the most popular children actor and entertainer. From 1995 he had a children's weekly show "Vise od igre" on Serbian and
Montenegrian most popular television "Pink". During his career he has
made many outstanding roles in former Yugoslav moves. One of his best
drama appearances was in "Lepa sela lepo gore", Srdjan Dragojevic's
movie which was proclaimed in top five Yugoslav moves of all times.
This role and many others made Milorad Mandic one of the most famous
and talented actors of modern Serbian comedy and drama.